tea cups sitting in sunlight barely visible cinnamon sticks

Pear Roobios Tea


  • cups water
  • 2 3 inch cinnamon sticks can substitute ground
  • Pear Halves we use canned in 100% juice, can use fresh or frozen
  • Pear syrup if you use canned you can use the juice from it!
  • tbsp of loose leaf Roobios tea
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract.


  • Let the water, cinnamon, pear halves, and tea simmer together for about 5 minutes.
  • Add your vanilla extract at the end of the 5 minutes.
  • Once it has simmered and infused, strain into a serving vessel or cups. Add pear syrup to taste.
  • Garnish with cinnamon sticks and pear slices.
  • Enjoy!!
