pickles in glass dish

Quick Pickles


  • 1 cup white distilled vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 pint sliced packed cucumbers (roughly 1 large cucumber)
  • 3 garlic cloves smashed
  • 5 cloves
  • ½ tbsp whole coriander
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp fennel
  • 1 tbsp dill optional 3 sprigs of fresh dill


  • Boil water and vinegar together. Then add in all the spices.
  • Boil for 3 minutes
  • Pack the cucumber in a pint jar and drop in the 3 smashed garlic cloves.
  • Pour the water vinegar mix over the cucumbers.
  • Using a spoon handle stir around to minimize air bubbles.
  • Put the lid of jar on LOOSELY.
  • Once cool, tighten the lid and store in the fridge.
  • Eat within a week.
