two glasses of raspberry lemonade tea sitting beside each other with straws

Raspberry Lemonade Tea



  • 10 Lemons juicedĀ  2 cups Strained Juice
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 4 cups Water


  • 4 Tea Bags – Use Family sized decaf
  • 3 cups boiling water
  • 8 cups Cold Lemonade
  • 5 cups Cold Water
  • 1 cup Rasberry syrup

Single Serve 1 pint:

  • 1 Tea Bags I use Family sized Decaf
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 Cups Cold Lemonade
  • 1-2 Tbsp Raspberry Syrup



  • Method: Mix all the ingredients. Boiling part of the water helps the sugar to dissolve!
  • Run through a sieve to remove any pulp and seeds from the lemon juice!


  • Method: Mix all the ingredients. Boiling part of the water helps the sugar to dissolve! Run through a sieve to remove any pulp and seeds from the lemon juice!

Single Serve (1 pint):

  • Method: In your container (gallon pitcher, or glass) put in your tea bag(s) and boiling water. Allow to steep 5-7 minutes to desire stregth, longer than this it will begin to get bitter. Remove Tea bag(s). Mix in Syrup. Then, mix in Cold water and lemonade. Top with Ice or refrigerate!